Tuesday 5 December 2017

Misanthropy's almost complete!

     Misanthropy's ending, I'll tell you what, it's going to be a cracker! The final chapters are really coming together nicely and rounding the book off. Gonna drop some BIG character bombshells too! The epilogue leads straight into the third book. I'm looking forward to the title reveal for book 3 and getting Adam to smash out some awesome new artwork too! The release date for Misanthropy is January 2018.

     Moving forwards, plans are in the works for a spin-off novel which will follow the exploits of a new character who you'll be introduced to in Misanthropy. I won't say who they are, but they have ties to Lorewell! Currently, I'm developing the plot. It's quite different from the current BOTP themes regarding good versus evil, focusing more on ancient ruins and Sapphiron's history and lore.

     We've also begun working on a character info section for the website. You'll be able to learn a little more about your favourite characters and there'll be some neat artwork too. That will start appearing on the website around the end of this month.

Happy December friends!